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Budding grafted scionwood; apple genetics

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 7:29 am
by smbw
I am a new poster who is new to orcharding, and I have several miscellaneous questions as follow.

First, we grafted Pomme Gris(e) this spring onto standard rootstock. Shortly after sprouting, the grafted wood leafed out further, then many flower buds appeared on it. What could this mean? Did we not get standard stock?

Second, are there records anywhere of apple variety lineages? If so, where and how easily are such records accessed?

Third, I've been told that the USDA no longer will analyze apple varieties for genetic identification. Are there any other places that may?

Thanks for any help that may be provided.

Re: Budding grafted scionwood; apple genetics

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 10:42 am
by OrangePippin-Richard
It sounds like your graftwood contained some flower buds.

I think apple lineages will become more accessible when more genetic identification work has been carried out. Probably quite a lot of varieties believed to be different will be found to be the same.

Re: Budding grafted scionwood; apple genetics

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 5:29 pm
by smbw
Thank you.

Who is/what institutions are researching the genetics of apple varieties presently, generally? People I've asked say it is not being done.